Νέες θέσεις εργασίας για Δικηγόρους / Νομικούς και Συναφή Επαγγέλματα (16.1.2024)

Νέες θέσεις εργασίας για Δικηγόρους/ Νομικούς & Συναφή Επαγγέλματα (16/1/2024)


- Corporate Services Administrator, Nicosia 

- Legal and Corporate Governance Officer, Nicosia

- Θέση Δικηγόρου σε ΔΕΠΕ, Λεμεσός

- Litigation Secretary, Larnaca

- Θέση Δικηγόρου, Λευκωσία

Θέση Ασκούμενου/ης δικηγόρου, Λευκωσία

- Δύο (2) κενές θέσεις Δικηγόρων σε ΔΕΠΕ, Λευκωσία

- Corporate Lawyer, Nicosia

- Data protection officer / Internal legal advisor (dual role)

- Lawyer, Limassol

- Mid level legal counsel, Limassol

- Head of Compliance, Larnaka

- Corporate Lawyer, Limassol

- Legal Officer (Maritime), Limassol

-Legal Advisor, Paphos

- Senior Lawyer Transactions

- Litigation Lawyer, Limassol

- AML & Compliance Administrator, Limassol

-Immigration Officer, Nicosia

-Compliance Officer (Hybrid) Nicosia

- Senior Corporate Legal Counsel/ Limassol

-Full time International Lawyer, Limassol

-In-House Legal Advisor (Shipping Industry)

-Junior Lawyer - Competition Law / Market Regulation

- Lawyer, Larnaka


-Head of Rule of Law and Human Rights Department, Tirana /Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

- Data Protection Specialist, Vienna / Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

- Regional Director, Commercial Legal - EMEA Airwallex London, United Kingdom

- Senior Advocacy Advisor, Humanitarian and Conflict IRC - International Rescue Committee Brussels, Belgium

- Senior Legal Counsel - Regulatory Compliance Booking.com Amsterdam, Netherlands

- Legal Specialist, Paris, France/United Nations Environment Programme


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