All European Final of the European Moot Court Competition takes place at the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg on 31 March

The European Law Moot Court Competition is the world’s largest Moot Court in EU Law. Organised for the first time during the 1988-1989 academic year, this competition has as its primary objective to promote practical knowledge of EU law amongst law students. Law students, who have already made their way through a tough selection (of around 70 teams) since September 2016 when the European Law Moot Court Competition was launched, will plead before panels composed of Members of the Court of Justice and the General Court. 
The competing teams represent seven universities from different countries. They won their respective Regional Finals which were held in February 2017 in The Hague (the Netherlands), Paris (France), Naples (Italy) and Gothenburg (Sweden). Students from all EU member states participated in this year’s the competition. Students from nonEU countries, notably the USA, also participated in the Regional Finals. 
The final, the last stage of this competition, has been held at the Court of Justice for the past 26 years. The winners will receive various prizes, including internships with European Institutions or highly respected law firms specialising in European law. (


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